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Unleashing the Power of AI and Super Agents to Transform Customer Experience

Unleashing the Power of AI and Super Agents to Transform Customer Experience

Customer demands are at an all-time high as visionary companies embrace the technologies that help them stand out in crowded markets. Today’s customers expect businesses to meet them in their preferred channel and at the time of their choice. They want the companies they do business with to serve not only on their current needs, but to anticipate the ones they don’t even yet know about. They can be quickly agitated when those needs are not immediately met, whether through a human contact or digital channel. 

Companies are racing to adopt the right solutions for their business to stay ahead of customer expectations—to not only satisfy customers, but delight them. In many industries, the number of customer interactions skyrocketed when COVID-19 hit. The pandemic created major challenges for businesses that were not set up to handle disasters. It accelerated the need for both work-from-home (WFH) agent models and self-service technologies, to handle rising call volumes. As a result of the sudden changes, companies had to rethink the balance of self-service and live agents; a challenge that businesses have been grappling with for decades since the first self-service channel was introduced. Now, with the right tools, it’s possible to achieve this balance and improve customer satisfaction today. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language technologies enable both self-service solutions and agent performance to substantially improve customer satisfaction (CSAT).

Download Unleashing the Power of AI and Super Agents to Transform Customer Experience Whitepaper



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