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Combating Your Health System’s On-Call Provider Challenges

Historically, provider on-call scheduling has presented numerous challenges for health systems due to the transient nature of being on-call, the use of antiquated and archaic scheduling processes by administrators, and the likelihood of provider burnout from poorly moderated work-life balances. Attempting to manage these challenges with an outdated, manual on-call scheduling process leads to:

  • Adverse patient outcomes
  • Decreased provider and healthcare personnel productivity
  • Higher rates of burnout and early provider retirement
  • Declines in provider coverage

To learn more about how a digital, centralized, and accurate on-call scheduling solution can reduce provider burnout, improve patient care, and increase workforce productivity for your health system, download the Whitepaper: Combating Your Health System’s On-Call Provider Challenges below.

Download the Whitepaper Now!

Download Combating Your Health System’s On-Call Provider Challenges Whitepaper



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