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Die Arbeit der IT neu erfinden: Wie IT-Führungskräfte mit Slack das volle Potenzial ihrer Mitarbeiter und Tools ausschöpfen

Es ist Zeit für ein digitales Büro Die Tools, die deine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter verwenden, um ihre Arbeit zu erledigen, sind der Schlüssel zur Lösung...

The state of cybersecurity: real-world strategies for mitigating business risk

Download The state of cybersecurity: real-world strategies for mitigating business risk Whitepaper

Guarda al futuro del lavoro con ottimismo

Passaggio da CapEx a OpEx Per questi motivi, è fondamentale che il lavoro ibrido sia agevolato da un approccio as-a-Service all'acquisto di tecnologia. Passando da...

Transforma tu Servicio de Atención al Cliente con un Soporte Prémium en Tiempo Real

Aumentar el rendimiento y la fidelidad de los clientes con Slack Con Slack, podrás priorizar a los clientes clave y ofrecerles asistencia prémium para fortalecer...

Turning dreams into reality- How Qatar National Tourism Council will deliver amazing digital travel experiences with Adobe

Download Turning dreams into reality- How Qatar National Tourism Council will deliver amazing digital travel experiences with Adobe Whitepaper

eBook: Log Analytics at Scale

Proactive monitoring By monitoring application performance and security, organizations can take a timely and direct approach to understanding and improving performance and system behavior. This...

PC as a Service de Dell

DISPOSITIVOS SUSTENTABLES En Dell Technologies, la sustentabilidad es una parte central de nuestro negocio. Junto con nuestros clientes, proveedores y comunidades, tenemos la responsabilidad de...

The Advocate, Saul Lopes, hits the holy grail of marketing — doing more with less

Download The Advocate, Saul Lopes, hits the holy grail of marketing — doing more with less Whitepaper


Don't miss

Human-Centered Design for Market Researchers: What You Need to Know

Human-centered design (HCD) is all about putting people first—because...

How to Optimize On-Call Provider Schedules to Improve Patient Care

If your health system is still using manual, outdated...

Looking to Streamline IT Transformation? Here’s How.

In the pursuit of streamlining IT operations, organizations face...

Media & Entertainment Workflows

Portrait photographer Mark Mann has worked with an illustrious...

Manufacturing Solutions

Defect Detection: Identifying defects in the production process was slow...