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Maximize your IT investment with Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft 365

Standardise on Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft 365 to streamline workflows and boost ROI. Consolidating your document management workflows with Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft 365 provides...

Lifecycle Security for Legacy Linux Platforms

KEEPING THE FOCUS ON INNOVATION The solution: Wind River Studio Linux Services portfolio, which includes the lifecycle security service. Using the carefully curated CVE scanner,...

Human-centered insights to fuel IT’s vision

Smarter takes IT leaders in a purpose-driven direction In the next chapter of workforce transformation, technology will be a driver of human-centered experiences and outcomes. This...

Get everyone working together, anywhere.

You need the right tools at hand. You’ll need to ensure teams can work well together and collaborate from mixed environments without affecting output. Effective...

Future of Time: Redefining Productivity During Uncertainty

Change is the new constant in the workplace. Persistent global uncertainty is changing the ways managers and employees spend and prioritise their time, taking a...

Enabling agility through digital manufacturing in the post-pandemic era

Customer-centricity: Protecting the brand promise Customers want more from the brands they purchase. Quality, traceability, transparency, and sustainability are just a few of their requirements...

Ardent Partners’ Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2023

Next-Gen AP: Top Skills Required The role of AP within the organization continues to evolve, becoming more strategic to overall operations each year. The scope...

A value-driven, integrated approach to achieving operational efficiency

Reduce waste, increase value The quest to reduce manufacturing waste is not new. While companies have long embraced Lean Manufacturing, digitization and digitalization build upon...


Don't miss

Wind River Studio Linux Services: Security and Compliance Scanning

SECURITY SCAN AND CVE IDENTIFICATION We provide a professional-grade Linux...

The Great Supply Chain Reset 5 Top Trends revealed

Supply chain planning is on the precipice of a...

Simplify cloud security with Red Hat and Microsoft

Verify system integrity across environments with remote attestation Ensuring system...

Migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux from CentOS Linux

Red Hat offers value, collaboration, and confidence Red Hat’s extensive...