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Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista Network Advisor

In an organisation if one laptop malfunctions only one user is affected. But in a network if there is a malfunction, many, or even all of the users may be impacted.

What we know for sure is that every enterprise network runs a gamut of issues throughout its lifecycle. How these issues are handled on a day-to-day basis or proactively can impact users’ Quality of Experience (QoE) greatly.

Download Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista Network Advisor Whitepaper



Human-Centered Design for Market Researchers: What You Need to Know

Human-centered design (HCD) is all about putting people first—because...

How to Optimize On-Call Provider Schedules to Improve Patient Care

If your health system is still using manual, outdated...

Looking to Streamline IT Transformation? Here’s How.

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Human-Centered Design for Market Researchers: What You Need to Know

Human-centered design (HCD) is all about putting people first—because...

How to Optimize On-Call Provider Schedules to Improve Patient Care

If your health system is still using manual, outdated...

Looking to Streamline IT Transformation? Here’s How.

In the pursuit of streamlining IT operations, organizations face...