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How ju:niz Energy Improves Renewable Energy Storage with MOTT, Modbus, and InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated

As a company, ju:niz Energy sets the standard for the economical use of energy and the decentral production, storage, and conversion of renewable energy. To successfully achieve their goals, ju:niz Energy engineers need both fresh and historical data. Control reserve and trading are an example of how ju:niz Energy engineers use data to optimize their battery systems. ju:niz Energy engineers also use data to monitor their storage facilities to ensure that environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity are suitable for ongoing operation.

ju:niz Energy’s technical infrastructure was operational but not optimal. To continue growing and leading Germany’s decentralized energy transition, ju:niz Energy engineers needed new technology as innovative as their energy standards.

Download How ju:niz Energy Improves Renewable Energy Storage with MOTT, Modbus, and InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated Whitepaper



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